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Your Guide To A More Confident You

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85% of Americans suffer from low self esteem. Let's help you get one step closer to being in the 15%

Instant access to Confidence replays (5 videos)

Enrollment into Cultivating Confidence 101 (7 day series)

Confidence Crash Course workbook

All for $31

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After thousands of hours of coaching and counseling it became apparent that confidence and the lack there of is at the root of most people's inability to move forward, transform their mindset and live their best lives.

This bundle will help you identify your mental road blocks, define confidence for you and start buling healthier habits. I look forward to welcoming you into the community.

 I’ve always been nervous about due to lack of confidence lol BUT between last weeks lesson and me doing the confidence work I had my first live and was successful with my makeup tutorial. I allowed myself to be authentic and educate throughout the process very well for it to be the first time! 

Tribe member

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Abundance Affirmations

My go to positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts
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Success Session One Time Offer

Now is a great time to come up with a plan to finish the year strong and go into 2022 ready for new levels. Get clarity. Build confidence. Have accountability. I’m so glad to be on your Success Squad. It’s only up from here.
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